Making an initial contract with a therapist can be difficult, so I encourage you to do so in whichever way is most comfortable. You have the option of calling (usually you will get a voicemail message) or texting. I will respond to you as soon as I am able, which is typically within 24 hours.
Let me know when to call you for a free 15-minute phone consultation. I am available for appointments during days, evenings, and Saturdays.
Until further notice I am working with clients exclusively via videoconferencing. However, my office is located on Olympia’s westside in the block between Black Lake Blvd. and the Olympia Auto Mall.
I am at Westhills Office Park II, 1800 Cooper Point Road, Building 24 Suite B. This is on the far right of the complex. My office is located to the left of Kudrick Chiropractic’s main entrance.